Olgun Delikanlı Sözler – En Güzel Delikanlı Sözler

As we know, everyone’s lifestyles and characters are different from each other. Some people like words with heavy meanings, some like young words, and some like love words. We can even say that it attracts his attention. For this reason, life views, lifestyles and styles vary. We can say that especially the different racon words of the characters in the TV series are engraved in our minds. You can express yourself better or reflect yourself to the other party with mature words that suit your style. Finally, let’s look at the king words that will attract your attention.

Young Sayings Short

Many of us look for short and concise sentences in our social media or posts. We try to express more meaningful things with our short and concise words. Personally, I like young words and short sentences more. On the contrary, some of us try to explain ourselves with long sentences. In short, heavy sentences, he may want to explain things directly without further ado. I don’t need your love for two days or your character for a week. I can’t go too high, I have a fear of heights. I can’t let anyone down, I have a fear of humiliation. Dear those who think they are indispensable. What I gave up is my reference. If you shoot me, thank God, if I don’t die, it will be a big problem. I have my signature in the dreams of those who talk behind my back. We have seen all the faces except the daylight. Dear those who think they are indispensable. What I gave up is my reference. Don’t trust anyone, the one who gives life to you today may strangle you tomorrow. If they see a fire, they will lose their minds, but if you ask, they are all fire. I have already taken the risk of dying, but I think about who I will take with me. We are not popular people, our manhood is appreciated, not our situations. For us, it is always black and white. There is white, there is no gray in between. In our environment, it is not for the older ones. The one who becomes a man is called brother. We did not die on this day, but did we live? That is not clear either. Write this too, Mr. Judge, hope cannot be handcuffed. I will cut off the head of anyone who blocks my path while walking for my love in the narrow streets. I don’t need your love for two days or your character for a week. I don’t know about guns, but the devil fills an empty person. If you were fire, you could only light my cigarette. The brave woman’s head weighs heavily on the heartless man’s shoulders. Betrayal has no reason, it has a price. At the end of everything, we will remember the silence of our friends, not the words of our enemies. We did not die today, but did we live? That is not clear either. I have no reason to die, but I am on the verge of living. Don’t come to my crazy side, even I am invalid there. Youthfulness is not in the gun you carry on your waist, but in the heart you carry in your body. Men’s hearts are like graves, those who enter cannot come out again, women’s hearts are like a 5-star hotel. It is not clear what comes out.

Mature Young Man Sayings

The Most Beautiful Young Love Quotes

Choose the one you like best among the most beautiful young man love quotes we have written for you and be sure to share them on platforms such as Whatsapp, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. All the mature young man sayings that can show your unique style are here. I live you in my prayers and tomorrows, you are my young love. I will not deny the love that is seen in my eyes… A young man’s love goes either with a gun or with love. I always have one heart, I love those who love, and I give way to those who do not. If you live life by its rules, you will be crushed, if you live by your own truths. You will crush it. We play the love that everyone lives in fear in the streets as a game. We never wanted a luxurious life. Let our loved ones be with us. We were even willing to live on the streets. Betrayal has no reason, it has a price. The reason for love is… My heart has never been torn between the two, I either loved it or deleted it. If we have faith, we love this path, if we love it, we love it in the path of Allah. We are young people, we know heavy brothers, once we love, we love until God with our faith. Once injured, he thinks even the shadow of a flower is a dagger. Good people always lose, because they fight fair. When you turn back and remember the past for a moment, it hurts a lot. But in vain, the words “get well soon” echo in your ears thousands of times. You know everything as much as you learn. Learn this, you are loved as much as you are loved. Maybe one day what you went through will be forgotten. But what you made me experience will never be forgotten. No matter the intensity of the storm, the seagull will never give up on the sea it loves. Everyone’s pain is as much as their love. A man doesn’t have a handsome man, he has a young man. The pain he suffers today will be the strength you feel tomorrow. I was in pain after you, but there was something you forgot. Every pain I suffered was not killing me, but you inside me. Being a man is falling in love with the same woman every day. We have already taken the risk of dying, and we are thinking about who we will take with us. Love is like grasping a rose with its thorns. Your hands will be covered in blood, but you cannot hold the rose accountable for the thorns. I’m not trying to be happy at all. If it happens, I’ll be happy. Even if he doesn’t come, good luck.

Real Young Man Sayings

In our other title, you will like the sharper and harsher words of a real young man. Such words have an important place in our culture. For this reason, there are hundreds of words said about adolescence. Everything ends in this world, but not the dishonorable. Don’t be harsh on us, you wouldn’t weigh a gram if we weighed it. If I’m stopping, there is a reason. If I am silent, there is a reason. Everyone should be at ease, everything has its time. A man who plays with fire has no fear of fire. You are a man if your personality is respected, not your pocket. A young man may make mistakes, but he will never make mistakes. A young man does not sleep comfortably, a young man makes his loved ones sleep comfortably. What is youthfulness? It is neither murder nor extortion. Being a young man is taking bread home in the evening. Our words are sweet to friends and bullets to enemies; Namer is a dagger, merde is life; Sacrificing our lives for a friend is a trouble for the enemy; Our friendship is sublime, it cannot be bought or sold, it is to death. It is not like the color of the sun, the color of the night is cold and frightening, it is dark, today there is a strangeness and sadness in our hearts, either we are too many in this city or one friend is missing. There were years when I did not know how they passed, there was a day that changed the meaning of life for me. about; He made me experience what I had never felt or known. At that moment, I lived with you and loved with you. Instead of having a friend like a fox, have an enemy like a lion. A young man will have few friends, many spectators and enemies. If you want to possess, you must first learn to belong. I am against war, but it is my character to fight against injustice. You were all many at the time, but then we came and you were not there. Silence is a noble challenge, but it does not work among despicable people. My loneliness. Don’t mislead anyone, remember that the summit is for one person. From now on, everyone should be excused, because everything will happen on purpose. Our friends may be partners, but I do not share my enemies with anyone. A real man does not use his brute power on weak people. Dough with bad yeast cannot make bread. A person with bad blood cannot become a man. Endless respect to everyone who struggles to be a young man while meanness is so fashionable. While you were grooming horses on the farm, we were grooming people. We were hard on the light people. That’s what it’s all about.

Bully Racon Quotes

When we say Kabadayı Racon lyrics, the once famous TV series Ezel comes to mind. Even if you haven’t watched the series, there is almost no one who hasn’t heard his words. It is so engraved in our minds that we have come to use it in daily life. Even saying “I forgot” means remembering. Everyone kills the one they love… The greatest friend becomes the greatest enemy. Forgiving and forgetting is the revenge of good people. We are young people, we don’t pretend to be anyone in the world! We love our elders, we respect our younger ones, we are young people. We did not build our youth on possibilities, so that we could destroy it because of betrayals. I am like a lion left alone these days, I live despite all the jackals around me. I compare you to the stars, you are as bright as the stars, you are as hard to reach as the stars, but stars are millions, you are one. Even if you leave, it won’t bind me anymore, as the saying goes, you don’t cry when you fall on your own. Adolescence doesn’t happen, the razor wound on your arm doesn’t happen, adolescence doesn’t happen, loving a girl like crazy, if you want to be a young man, don’t take justice, don’t make the poor suffer, don’t let the poor oppress the poor. I’ve left it alone, I’m living my life as it is. And in this three-day world, I don’t care about people who are worth 5 cents. Don’t say ‘don’t say anything’ to someone who hasn’t had your law for 30 years… I don’t have a living enemy… Betrayal is done in secret and it doesn’t stay hidden. A child grows up without a father, but he can’t grow up without a mother. We have only one mother and that is our country. Don’t try to be the man of the day, try to be the man of truth. Because the day changes, but the truth never changes. If something doesn’t happen, it doesn’t happen either because it will be better or because it really shouldn’t happen. Even if it leads you to death, you will never be surprised by the Truth. The point is not to die, but to die by the hand of the man you trust most. If you take your friend with you. Even if you confront him, he will always find a position to hit you. Do you know what the tree said to the axe, brother? I am sorry not that you cut me, but that the stab was from me. Our last stop is not the IETT station, my lion, it is the black soil… We are not in a position to tolerate every injustice just because we are the repentant children of the rebellious streets that come after hours of fugitives.

Words of Challenge

Challenging each other is something we encounter very often. This situation, which we mostly encounter on social media, is quite funny. Mature Young Man Words, If you are going to be challenged, I recommend you to take a look at these words. We don’t have reverse gear. If we find it necessary, we will come back from the future. I would rather die standing than living on my knees. We are engaged to death, verbally, and we live by chance. Death sent me loneliness before itself. We are engaged to death, verbally, and we live by chance. We know how to light our cigarettes in front of death with the fire of a smile. You don’t know me, my dear. Don’t leave your back, the shadow inside you, the fear inside you, I’ll be the subject of your grave. For some, I’m a lie, for some, I’m a king, for some, I’m a man. If you ever see me bowed down, know that I’m bending over to pick up something that fell on the ground. If you saw love as a gamble, I’ll bet on your life. His life was spent on the cliffs. The edge of a cliff is suitable as a grave for a man. Don’t forget, flowers grow on the edge of the cliff. You come with your dogs, I’m with my heart, the one who doesn’t narrow the square for you is a coward. To reach the light, you have to challenge the darkness. First, be a man, protect your character, then challenge me. If you have the courage to hurt me, enough to suffer the consequences. You must also have strength. Details are mirrors and reflect the difference. Kings leave their mark, clowns get jealous. Manhood is not about gathering your dogs and challenging, manhood is about showing courage by trusting your heart and wrist. We have no fear, my dear; We did not come face to face with death, but we put our heads together a lot. If you were a king, your crown would be gone, if you were a sultan, your throne would be gone. I am not a king, let go of my crown, I am not a sultan, let go of my throne, I am a tree in my own right, but I will uproot the tree of anyone who breaks my branch. I will not bow down to injustice, because I will lose my pride along with my rights. I am alone, my white page, my pencil, my eraser are in the hands of my loved ones. I write, I delete. You should know that no one is big enough to belittle anyone. One day you will pay a price for everything you care about, for everything you despise.

Words from the True Heart

Everyone turned into a young man because I loved someone and moved away from the environment, there were people talking behind my back saying I couldn’t chase him, there were people making markets by giving my name, be a king in your place, let your regiment come and your turn will come. One day, times will come. Damn fate will laugh at us too. Were you there until now? This heart lives with only one gun. We pulled the pavements over us like a quilt. We took ten steps until he took one step towards us. Our oxygen is cigarettes, our minerals are bland bread. Is it easy to be labeled a tramp in this world? Is it easy, my dear, to love without being loved? If you are a king, your crown will be gone. If you are a sultan, your throne will be gone. I am not a king, let go of my crown, I am not a sultan, let go of my throne, I am a tree in my own right, but I will uproot the tree of anyone who breaks my branch. We pulled the pavements over us like a quilt. We took ten steps until he took one step towards us. Our oxygen is cigarettes, our minerals are bland bread. Is it easy to be labeled a tramp in this world? Is it easy, my dear, to love without being loved? Even when our hearts were in the narrow tree, we always ran to death and appreciated our loved ones. The head of a brave woman is heavy on the shoulder of a heartless man. There is no cure for this love, every word I say has meaning to you, this young man loves like crazy, this soul is in love with you even if you don’t want it. .I erased you from my memories. I don’t wonder, do you love me anymore? My head, my soul, my body are without you, I’m sure you’re happy without me. I’m surprised at how these children, who are in our lives with all their innocence, are murdered and at the insensitive people who turn a blind eye to this. The greatest value you can give to some people is to write the initials of their names in capital letters. Believe me, they are not worth it. In short Mature Young Man Sayings We have come to the end of our article. Finally, if you want to read this and similar articles, here You can click.